
Visualizzazione dei post da maggio, 2018

18-20 May, Finale Ligure, Italy: 24h MTB, pure FUN

And it's happening NOW: 3000 people on the Manie plateau in Finale Ligure for the 24h Mountain Bike. The race turns twenty, it’s a springtime classic and it’s a great sport&fun event. A traditional race, but from year to year able to renew and amaze. And always on the cutting edge. This year the novelty consists of a prequel race entirely dedicated to e-bikes, electric mountain bikes that will compete in a race (racing skills technical evaluation) today, May 18, on a dedicated track. A not-so-long time ago, starting from the classic bikes the rough terrain pioneers introduced all the innovations required to make the off road more feasible and stimulating, up to the nowadays highly sophisticated products in terms of performance and design. The 2018 24h edition opens to this new step, the e-bike, which allows a faster approach to dedicated trails, richer tours for cycling and cross-country, and meets other needs, depending on different bikers. From tomorrow ...

My Article: an Eco-Monster in Tbilisi, the Panorama Project

Rendering of the Panorama Tbilisi Project The Panorama Tbilisi project: a monster in town Works are ongoing in Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia, for the construction of a pharaonic real estate project. Its impact on the landscape and environment risks being huge, and civil society has mobilized 04/04/2018 -  Marilisa Lorusso In the European Year for the Cultural Heritage in Georgia citizens protest – and are arrested – for the Panorama Tbilisi project. The Panorama Tbilisi Project  consists in the construction of four multi-functional centers located in different historical and green zones of Georgia’s capital city, Tbilisi. The project stretches from the very heart of the city, Freedom Square, up to one of the green lungs of Tbilisi, the Sololaki mountain. It is one of the biggest ever ...

My Seminar in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands University, 2018

The scope of the seminar is to help students to develop sustainable tourism offers, including accommodation, catering, activities. The seminar refers to the EU year of Cultural Heritage and underlines how cultural proposals can help to address the thorny issue of seasonality in sea&sand popular destinations such as Palma de Mallorca . It will be stressed how sustainable tourism with its potentialities connected to outdoor low-impact sports, the valorization of less popular locations can help to better menage tourism, defuse the concentration of tourists' flow and better distribute holiday-makers on the territory. Students will be stimulated to create articulated packages that would be based on existing green realities (local hosts, farmers, producers; little known material heritage, immaterial heritage events/traditions; nature and landscapes beyond the mainstream trials and spots).   Topics: 1) Introduction to Sustainable Tourism, 2) Eco-friendly acc...

Per Anello Verde: Territorio e Solidarietà, 2018

Una due settimane dedicate alla solidarietà a Finale Ligure. Due weekend consecutivi in cui finalesi e ospiti sono invitati, da Finalpia a Finalborgo, a partecipare a eventi che – oltre a intrattenere e divertire – serviranno per contribuire a creare servizi per le comunità che li ospitano. Si inizia il 15 aprile con la seconda edizione di Corri con il cuore. Ne avevamo parlato l’anno scorso ( ) auspicando che il grande successo della prima edizione potesse aprire la strada, letteralmente, al ritorno delle bellissime macchine d’epoca. E puntuale si ripete il raduno d’auto d’epoca e moderne, nella giornata di domenica, a Finalpia. Il ricavato della giornata verrà totalmente devoluto per l'acquisto di materiale tecnico sanitario da donare alla caserma dei vigili del fuoco di Finale Ligure.   Il programma prevede l’apertura delle iscrizioni in piazza Boncardo, sul lungomare ...