Airbnb, travelers and tourists
More and more tourists would rather describe themselves as travelers. For ages the tourism industry would not include this strain that has evolved from the small group of pioneers to become a new reality. Things are blurring: tourists are also travelers, and travelers do tourism. Bing a traveler means to integrate in the local reality, to leave the “tourists compound” to be part of the picture of the location. It’s written nowhere that a tourism agent cannot offer this kind of experience, and taking into due account the demand, this is evolving too, through the way excursions are organized, to where tourists are taken to, and to what they are offered. Disintermediation provided by internet is widening the options for travelers/tourist-travelers. Airbnb is in the forefront of this trend. But, regardless the fact that Airbnb is already a consolidated reality, is it really something new in the history of how we travel? Tourist accommodation has change...