Hi everybody! It’s been a while. And today I recalled I promised a post about Slow-Food (https://sustainableexperience.blogspot.com/2020/09/be-part-of-place-enjoy-local-food-and.html) . Perhaps triggered by the annual autumn appetite ;-) here some tips about Slow Food, for those who never heard about it. Slow Food is a part of the global debate about what eating means, and how it affects our life, ourselves. It a pebble in the mosaic of a paradigm change: modernity is not all about being fast, reckless, new and upgraded every 50 seconds. There’s a form of modernity, which invites to awareness, comprehension, preservation, promotion, and being present in the present, with all the time this process requires. All this happens while you eat, as well. Slow Food (https://www.slowfood.it/) was born as a reaction to fast food, that is to say to those large chains that have established themselves in recent decades and that make you eat standardized food, in a bite. A name...