
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre, 2020

Climate Change and Georgia

 Ciao again! For Italian speakers, my second interview about climate change and the Caucasus, including a short description of mountain tourism. This time we are discussing Georgia. Here's the link, hope you share it

International Organizations and Sustainable Tourism – EU 1

  Ciao! Today, and for some posts to come, I’d like to share a short research – very short and totally unambitious – about international organizations and sustainable tourism. What triggered me to put together some posts about this topic is an empirical observation: the strength of sustainable tourism projects is that they are very often grass-root projects, grounded on a deep if not passionate knowledge of a territory and its potential. Paradoxically, I find it to be also its weakness. Very often those who commit to these projects are not aware of already well-structured guidelines, or principles, or lesson learnt, plus – and this can prove to be tragically severe – available funding.   Therefore, what I find useful is to give an overview of some international organizations that deal or invest in sustainable tourism. If you don’t have a Political Science background, it is not so common to be familiar with international organization and how they work, beside a very...

The Climate Route

 CIAO! Something for Italian speakers only.  My  inteview (actually the first part of it) with the staff of the Climate Route.  The Climate Route is an expedition (a super-cool expedition) which next year will bring a group of scientists and young travelers from Italy to Bering, to visit amazing places and try and understand - and make us undertand - how the climate change is impacting Europe and Asia.  They will travel in a sustaninable way, and base their assessments on exchanges with local experts.  So it's an extra cool project that puts together sustainable tourism, science, people-to-people contacts, and all that an expedition implies: adventures, unknown, emotions, landscapes, faces, voices, sounds and a lot of mixed, overwhelming feelings and sensations.  And I am very happy to have been invited to give my contribuition The Climate Route - Interview 1

Tourism and climate change

  It’s ambitious for a small blog to brave a huge topic like climate change. But as tonight I was doing some readings, I felt compelled to drop here a couple of lines.   Tourism is a special activity. Many industries can be transferred from a place to another. Tourism cannot. Or, I’d better say, tourists can, destinations cannot. Therefore tourism cannot be exempt from trying to mitigate climate change. The tourism industry is a cause and at the same time the first victim of global warming. The rising sea, desertification, deforestation, the disappearance of glaciers and the shortening of the snow season impoverish tourist destinations, which are totally dependent on the natural attractiveness.   Think about the rising seas and the consequent disappearance of entire islands and coastal areas, or about the desertification and the reduction of the availability of drinking water, which -worse than a war- makes entire areas unsuitable for human life, not only fo...

Satisfy autumn apperite with Slow Food!

Hi everybody! It’s been a while. And today I recalled I promised a post about Slow-Food ( . Perhaps triggered by the annual autumn appetite ;-) here some tips about Slow Food, for those who never heard about it. Slow Food is a part of the global debate about what eating means, and how it affects our life, ourselves. It a pebble in the mosaic of a paradigm change: modernity is not all about being fast, reckless, new and upgraded every 50 seconds. There’s a form of modernity, which invites to awareness, comprehension, preservation, promotion, and being present in the present, with all the time this process requires. All this happens while you eat, as well.   Slow Food (   was born as a reaction to fast food, that is to say to those large chains that have established themselves in recent decades and that make you eat standardized food, in a bite. A name...