International Organizations and Sustainable Tourism – WTO 3 / Dedicated to Venice
Ciao!! Today our beloved Venice is turning 1600. So, with all my heart and my best wishes, I post today some reflections about tourism and sustainability. The topic is still WTO. Do you remember the last post? ;-) Here if you missed it! As an integral part of the UN system WTO has adopted Agenda 2030, focusing on the sustainability of the tourism sector. The same can be said for the Sustainable Development Program applied to tourism (See my post here for a quick summary). Agenda 2030 has become a key text for sustainable development. In conjunction with the 17 goals of Millennium Development, articulated in 169 targets, it should lead to a development that reduces poverty, inequality, and that mitigates climate change, where possible by triggering the reversibility of changes already in process. They represent sets of integrated and transformative measures. Tourism requires the same transformative and adaptive processes, and it is expressly referred to in the targets of...